Next events:
Belper Art trail (4th, 5th May)
Cromford Spinning Room (24th, 25th , 26th May)
Ashbourne Festival Art Exhibition (20th - 27th June)

Welcome to my website and thanks for your interest in my work!

I call my work ‘textile ceramics’ because the techniques developed over the past ten years have a strong textile influence; Indeed each piece of ceramic begins life as a textile collage of fabrics, wallpaper samples, old wrapping paper and the like. Even in the final stage, ceramic tiles are often combined with other media such as wire, driftwood, even Venetian smalti.

I love the tactile nature of textile, its transience, pattern and endless potential for colour set against the polish and permanence of ceramic.

Interested in buying an original?

The artwork on my gallery pages may be available for purchase, please use the enquiry form by your chosen work to find out whether it is in stock. You can also check out opportunities to view my ceramics in person on my news page and social media links.